BUG #8001: Cannot install Slony
(too old to reply)
2013-03-27 21:07:20 UTC
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference: 8001
Logged by: Eduardo
Email address: ***@yahoo.com.br
PostgreSQL version: 8.4.11
Operating system: windows7 Home Premium SP1 i64

I,m trying to install the Slony in my Postgres 8.4.

I,ve copied the binaries to the directory \"Program Files

when try to register the servive using the command line "slon -regservice
Slony-I" I've got the error "Failed to create service: 1057" that means the
account use have no privileges to do that. Then I've register the service
usin the "sc" command: -- "sc create Slony-I binPath= "c:\Program Files
(x86)\PostgreSQL\8.4\bin\slon.exe -service" depend= "RPCSS"".
This worked.

Then I've created the pgbench schema in my database using de command
"pgbench -i -U postgres master -P postgres -p 5432" and included the the
primary key in the history table.

I've created the master and slave configuration files

conn_info='host= port=5432 user=postgres dbname=Master'

then added both in Slony confivuration with the comand line
slon -addengine Slony-I C:\slony\master.conf
slon -addengine Slony-I C:\slony\slave.conf

Restarted the Slony-I service.

Changed the Slony path to "C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\8.4\share"

Tried to create a Slony cluster under the master database.

cluster name: pgbench
Local node: 1 master
Admin node: 99 Admin

press <OK> and got an error

type "_pgbench.xxid" does not exist.

I need help to anderstand what is hapening, how to install the Slony and how
to create the .xxid type.

Sent via pgsql-bugs mailing list (pgsql-***@postgresql.org)
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Michael Paquier
2013-03-28 01:49:57 UTC

This is not really a PostgreSQL bug, so you should contact directly Slony
people using a mailing list like this one:
