BUG #7899: allow key word as alias in subquery but Can't reference it in outer query
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2013-02-22 12:05:08 UTC
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference: 7899
Logged by: jov
Email address: ***@amutu.com
PostgreSQL version: 9.1.3
Operating system: CentOS 6

xxx=# select 2 from (select 1 as end) t;
(1 row)

xxx=# select end from (select 1 as end) t;
ERROR: syntax error at or near "end"
LINE 1: select end from (select 1 as end) t;

xxx=# select version();

PostgreSQL 9.1.3 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.4.5
20110214 (Red Hat 4.4.5-6), 64-bi
(1 row)

I think use key word as alias should get a error message such as $key_word
is Key Word,should not be used as identifier bla bla,so for some complex
query error user can save a lot of time.
Tom Lane
2013-02-22 13:51:56 UTC
Post by Jov
xxx=# select end from (select 1 as end) t;
ERROR: syntax error at or near "end"
LINE 1: select end from (select 1 as end) t;
You need to double-quote the outer use of "end", viz

regression=# select "end" from (select 1 as end) t;
(1 row)

In the context with "as", Postgres can tell the word is meant as a
column identifier not a keyword, but there's no way for it to know that
in the outer usage.
Post by Jov
I think use key word as alias should get a error message such as $key_word
is Key Word,should not be used as identifier bla bla,so for some complex
query error user can save a lot of time.
Well, yours is the first complaint we've ever had in that direction,
whereas we used to get a lot of complaints in the opposite direction,
back when we didn't allow keywords to be used for column names.
So I doubt we'll change it. It is an interesting gotcha though :-(

regards, tom lane
Sent via pgsql-bugs mailing list (pgsql-***@postgresql.org)
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2013-02-22 14:24:10 UTC
I have get the description of this behaviour from doc 7.3.2

from the error message now,I think syntax error may emmit by the
parser,parser error make it hard to get the really condition such as the
second token ‘end’ is a select item from a select statement.

Post by Tom Lane
Post by Jov
xxx=# select end from (select 1 as end) t;
ERROR: syntax error at or near "end"
LINE 1: select end from (select 1 as end) t;
You need to double-quote the outer use of "end", viz
regression=# select "end" from (select 1 as end) t;
(1 row)
In the context with "as", Postgres can tell the word is meant as a
column identifier not a keyword, but there's no way for it to know that
in the outer usage.
Post by Jov
I think use key word as alias should get a error message such as
Post by Jov
is Key Word,should not be used as identifier bla bla,so for some complex
query error user can save a lot of time.
Well, yours is the first complaint we've ever had in that direction,
whereas we used to get a lot of complaints in the opposite direction,
back when we didn't allow keywords to be used for column names.
So I doubt we'll change it. It is an interesting gotcha though :-(
regards, tom lane
blog: http:amutu.com/blog <http://amutu.com/blog>
2013-02-22 14:39:55 UTC
can we make a cross reference from doc 4.4.1(
doc 7.3.2 (
*to mention that “AS” can make a key word to be a identifier?*
I have read the doc 4.4.1 and can't find this info from there so I thin it
is a bug.
Post by Jov
I have get the description of this behaviour from doc 7.3.2
from the error message now,I think syntax error may emmit by the
parser,parser error make it hard to get the really condition such as the
second token ‘end’ is a select item from a select statement.
Post by Tom Lane
Post by Jov
xxx=# select end from (select 1 as end) t;
ERROR: syntax error at or near "end"
LINE 1: select end from (select 1 as end) t;
You need to double-quote the outer use of "end", viz
regression=# select "end" from (select 1 as end) t;
(1 row)
In the context with "as", Postgres can tell the word is meant as a
column identifier not a keyword, but there's no way for it to know that
in the outer usage.
Post by Jov
I think use key word as alias should get a error message such as
Post by Jov
is Key Word,should not be used as identifier bla bla,so for some complex
query error user can save a lot of time.
Well, yours is the first complaint we've ever had in that direction,
whereas we used to get a lot of complaints in the opposite direction,
back when we didn't allow keywords to be used for column names.
So I doubt we'll change it. It is an interesting gotcha though :-(
regards, tom lane
blog: http:amutu.com/blog <http://amutu.com/blog>
blog: http:amutu.com/blog <http://amutu.com/blog>